Monday, July 25, 2005

Politician's Vows

Michelle Malkin is covering the dilution of wedding vows. Instead of "until death do us part" more and more people are being married using other durations like "for as long as love lasts." Quoth the Anchoress:
“For as long as our love shall last?” That could be three weeks! Why not say “’til the inevitable divorce does us part?”
These types of vows are being put forward by people who want, as the Democrats would say, an exit strategy. That way when it fails they're can say "Hey, this marriage thing is tough. It's just not fun anymore. So long baby, enjoy half my stuff."

Amy and I haven't got our vows nailed down yet. Ours will by necessity be an unconventional ceremony, but there will be none of this "for as long as love lasts" crap. We want to be together forever and when death should part us, I can only pray it will be only a brief time until the other's work is done and we are reunited on the other side.

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