Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Someone asked me whether I agree with everyone on my blogroll or not. In a word: No.

My blogroll is made up of people I read on a regular basis. I'm not one of those guys who's blogroll contains links to everyone who has ever linked to them. Some people do that and I won't speak ill of them. (That is where most of my incoming links come from after all.) But I like my blogroll to be more practical than that. My blogroll is a tool to guide my own blog consumption.

I have blogrolled people that I don't agree with, like Mainstream Baptist or Matthew Yglesias. I'm wary of turning my blogroll into an echo-chamber for what I already believe. I think a lot of bloggers do that and I don't think it's healthy. Besides things you disagree with make for great posting fuel. That said a lot of lefty commentary is crap and I'm not going to bother polluting my mind with it. You won't ever see me blogrolling DailyKos or Eschaton.

I have delinked good bloggers who blog erratically, like Ambra Nykol. If I'm looking for some reading and not finding anything new on a regular basis, you'll probably be gone. I have delinked good bloggers that I don't find myself reading much. Stephen Camp's blog and Howard Tayler's blog are on the cusp right now. They're a great blogs, but I don't find myself stopping by very often.

Oh and some people are just friends, e-friends, or loved ones of course. If I wasn't marrying Amybear her blogspot blog would probably be gone. She does most of her blogging on a diary site and there just isn't much new content on blogspot.

UPDATE: Oh and I really like the BlogRolling system. It is very handy and much better than hardcoding the links. But I don't trust the update markers anymore, some blogs aren't on a system where they get tagged as updated.

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