Thursday, February 23, 2006

Rangers Lead the Way

From McQ at QandO:
In June 24th of 2004, a young Ranger with the 75th Ranger Regiment was greviously wounded in Iraq when, on his second tour, the humvee he was riding in was attacked. After exiting the vehicle after the explosion and attack, Ranger Kanaan Merriken passed out and was unconscious for 11 days.

Merrikan had been airlifted to a hospital in Germany where surgeons had worked desperately to save his life. His carotid artery has been severed by shrapnel and part of the left frontal lobe of his brain had been damaged. The damaged portion had to be removed in a crainiotomy. He also had shrapnel wounds all over his body, a retinal hemorrage in his left eye and loss of hearing in his left ear.
Merriken was given a medical discharge. He didn't take it. In fact he fought to have it repealed in court. In November, Merriken completed the Ranger Indoctrination Program for a second time. He is now back serving with the 75th.

I'm a civilian, you can't force me to salute. But Kanaan Merriken, I salute you.

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