Monday, May 22, 2006

Smoked Crack

Got his job back. Well that was the other guy, but you get the point. From LawDog:
During the height of the Katrina debacle, I stumbled across the hurricane contingency plan for New Orleans.

The city of New Orleans not only did not follow their own guidelines for what to do in case of a hit by a hurricane, they actively violated their own plan by doing things specifically warned against in the plan.
He goes on to mention that the plan specifically said (1) use those damn school busses that ended up under water (2) don't use the Superdome as a shelter. Oops. FEMA also held meetings with people like Ray Nagin to hammer local disaster planning home. Unfortunately they didn't seem to hammer hard enough.

I'd say to let the city of New Orleans rot, but I don't know whether that would actually help anyone. It seems that if you don't quarantine the area, the political sickness spreads. The idiots just jump across the city limit or the state line and screw the next place up. Case in point: all the transplants from Pennsylvania and Jersey moving into northern Delaware and turning the state Democrat.

What do you do? Help out the idiots anyway? Let them face the consequences of their political decisions? I wish I had the answer.

UPDATE: As John pointed out, Will Collier's piece is excellent. Collier points out that the election was a lose-lose for New Orleans. Nagin is an idiot, but his opponent Mitch Landrieu (also a Democrat) is as corrupt as they come. So they're screwed, at least until the next election cycle.

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