Monday, October 16, 2006

Politics: Jihadi Statistics

People are trying to make waves with the latest flawed Lancet study. Meanwhile Michelle Malkin is asking what the heck is wrong with the people when 10% or more of a national population supports religious violence. She uses Indonesia as an example. I'm going to steal one of her charts shamelessly (actually I hosted it on blogger, it seems Michelle's server is theft proof) though, because it disproves a major lefty meme:

While approval of religious violence is still high in absolute terms, it is generally on the decline. Jordan's approval rate is half of what it was a year ago. Pakistan and Indonesia have dropped to a third of where they were too. Turkey is up, but not by much and possibly not by more than the margin of error. So much for the War on Terror creating more terrorists. If anything it may be showing people that pro-muslim violence isn't working.

UPDATE: QandO is reporting that even anti-war groups like Iraq Body Count are saying that the Lancet study is total crap.

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