Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Soft Drinks and Obesity

Todd Zywicki at the Volokh Conspiracy is writing on the relationship between soft drink consumption and obesity. Now I'm not saying there is one for you, but I have definitely noticed a trend in me.

When I graduated college I was 6' and 155 lbs. By the time I took my current job with the Army, I was 175 lbs. I topped out at around 185. It wasn't good weight either. I was starting to turn into a skinny kid with a gut. Not pretty.

What happened? Well I went from walking several miles a day in college to sitting on my butt for 9 hours a day at a desk. Plus I was consuming a lot of processed foods and soft drinks. What did I do to fix this? I used the thermodynamics diet. I consumed fewer empty calories and started increasing my activity level to burn off what I had put on. Now I play Ultimate Frisbee after work once a week and make the occasional trips to the gym or walk around the neighborhood. I also cut my soda consumption down to one can of Coke in the morning. Everything else is 0 calorie diet. I never ate a good breakfast so I cut breakfast out entirely and made sure my dinner was a good meal not a sodium laced "create-a-meal" out of a bag.

My weight is holding fairly constant at 175 which is good for my height. To this day I can tell when I'm gaining though and its not by how my clothes fit or any of that. I simply look in my recycling container at home. Lots of soda cans or bottles corrolates to fatter.

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