Sunday, August 22, 2004


I had a little time to spare before church this morning so I looked up various ways to tie a tie. Anyway I realized why people have trouble with it. Its the damn windsor knot.

I taught myself how to tie a tie when I was a kid. I think my dad was out of town the first time I had to, so I basically came up with something. It turns out to be four-in-hand or something similar. Its easy and I can do it in a second, but the knot isn't symmetrical and it doesn't look quite right. I tried to learn windsor this morning and I couldn't get it to work out. So I did a half-windsor which looks good and leaves a little more room around my throat to boot. Half windsor is the way to go.

Incidentally if anyone has a better term than "tie a tie" I'd like to hear it. Writing "tie a tie" a bunch of times seems stupid to me.

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