Thursday, April 19, 2007

Repealing the 2nd Amendment

Alphecca has a wonderful rebuttal to Walter Shapiro's call to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Shapiro's logic has the normal liberal flaws where they relate to guns. He assumes that the 2nd amendment is about militias not the people and that guns are only for sport shooting and hunting. It isn't. The 2nd Amendment is actually about providing the citizens the means to violently overthrow the government should it become tyrannical. It is the last line of defense for the rights of the people. It is the answer to Juvenal's "who watches the watchmen?" The answer is that we all do.

Penn & Teller are right, Walter Shapiro is wrong. Fortunately he's so wrong that I he doesn't have the votes to do what he wants. More importantly, if liberals did manage to repeal the 2nd Amendment, you can bet an attempt at the violent overthrow the government is going to be close at hand.

UPDATE: LawDog has a wonderful response to the other common liberal trope: "We license cars, so why can't we license guns?" He examines what the nation would look like if we did just that and I doubt the liberals would like it very much.

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