Thursday, September 07, 2006

God: Time Discipline

As always, Steve is giving good advice:
I sketched out a personal time budget tonight. I needed to see for myself how thin my margins are and make sure I'm not spending my energy in such a way that I am depleting my personal capital.
Why yes he does work in finance, how did you know?

Some people tend to be too busy. My mother is like this. She volunteered for a lot of activities because they need to be done. But of course they don't need to be done by her. While I was in college she kept herself almost crazy busy for several years. She wore herself down in the process and it seemed like she never had anything finished. Recently she has cut back a lot partly because she is getting a little older but mostly because my grandparents are getting a lot older. She wants to visit them a lot more which means she can do a lot less in other places. A time budget would probably show her that she is generally doing too much.

I'm probably on the opposite end of the spectrum. When I get home from work I want to sit on my rump, snuggle with my wife, eat some dinner, and watch TV. I'm not that interested in doing things as a general rule. For guys like me a good time budget would probably show me how much more I could be doing without sacrificing anything meaningful.

In any case, this kind of activity can't really hurt anybody.

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