Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Man of the Year?

I second Hugh Hewitt, this guy should get it.

I remember back in 2001, right after September 11th, the feds started actually doing things. People gave them tips about people acting weird or threatening and instead of dismissing them and sitting on their asses all day, or whatever they did before, they actually followed up on them. Two guys with sport jackets, credentials, and maybe even guns actually went out to knock on doors and politely talk to people. Not arrest people. Just talk to people, get their side of the story, and leave if they were asked to do so.

The left side of the internet went up in flames. This was Nazi persecution! How dare they drive to my home and ask if I have a few minutes? How dare they ask me questions until I asked them to leave? How dare they? Gestapo! Fascist bastards! This is an intolerable oppression!

Of course I pointed out that this was not persecution or fascism. This was government agents actually doing what we pay them to do. Of course I had not yet learned about Bush Derangement Syndrome. I did not know that I was casting pearls before swine as I do now. And I still find it hilarious that the left wants to grant phenomenal cosmic power to centralized authorities, but are shocked when those same authorities actually use that power.

But I digress. If you want to see what persecution and oppression actually are, keep an eye on that student holding up a sign criticizing Ahmadinejad to his face at an Iranian university. That man is taking his life into his hands. I assure you that the government agents who knock on his door will show you what oppression really is.

Now if you excuse me, I have to go listen to Folk Song Army by Tom Lehrer.

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