Monday, December 19, 2005

King Kong

Speaking of Peter Jackson related properties, my brother and I caught King Kong this weekend. It was big and bold and long. Which is fine, because it is still a very good movie. Especially when you get to the end and realize who the villians of the piece really are.

The movie paces itself well, but it's 3 hours. Peter Jackson could have easily cut 30 minutes out of it, but he doesn't. There is a lot of third string characters that could have been cut down to streamline the movie, but weren't. It still isn't a bad movie. I'm just getting worried that Peter Jackson may not be able to make a movie that isn't a rambling multi-hour epic. I'm more worried that he may be taking the rest of Hollywood with him. There is something to be said for telling a simple emersive story and I really think Hollywood has lost the touch for it.

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