Monday, July 23, 2007

Just Like in Samurai Cat

So Miaowara Tomokato, a katana-wielding feline samurai, is fighting a horde of beweaponed mafiosi with his demented and heavily armed nephew Shiro at his side. Suddenly a gun control bill passes into law and the mafiosi are instantaneously disarmed through the power of our legal system. Of course Samurai Cat keeps his weapon because it isn't a gun and Shiro is a licensed collector so the M1917 heavy machine-gun he's dealing hot leaden death with is perfectly legal. Shiro turns to his uncle and says "Thank Buddha gun control works, Unc!"

This vignette comes out of Samurai Cat at the Movies and is about the only funny thing in the book. The 1/2 Hour News Hour derives similar humor from demonstrating the amazing power of Gun Free Zones. Because when that's what the effectiveness of these policies are: a joke. We would be much better off if we understood that the real role of police in modern society. Given response time, Cops are not heroes responding in the nick of time to save you from some crazy maniac. Instead they are the people who try to find your killer before he kills someone else too.

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