Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Time to Kill

Chris Byrne explains some very important self-defense concepts over at AnarchAngel:
What most cops won't tell you, because they don't want you "trying to be a hero", is that once there has been an escalation of violence in the commission of a crime, the chances of somebody not being killed or seriously injured are very poor.

If you're dealing with what cops call an ODC (ordinary decent criminal), then most likely nobody is going to get hurt; but once things tip over that edge, you are effectively a dead man already, unless you act to prevent that from happening.
Most criminals, while certainly amoral, are not out to hurt anyone. They are robbing you because they want your money, not because they are sick bastards that like sticking guns in people's faces.

But those sick bastards are out there. Chris goes on to give seven warning signs to look out for and seven rules to follow. Is the criminal showing violent tendencies or mental instability? Bad sign. Has anyone already been hurt? Worse.

If those warning signs come up, then you are not in a situation where nobody is going to get hurt. You are in a situation where someone will be hurt. Hopefully you have a weapon and can insure that the hurt is put on the criminals not the innocents.

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