Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Fun: Important Advice on the Fairer Sex

Kill Ten Rats is dispensing priceless dating advice to gamers out there. Besides "shower" and "learn to dress yourself" there is wisdom like this:
Amongst your group of friends, you could very well be tops in several categories. Even after being realistic, you might be the smartest, the strongest, the best-looking, the best-read, whatever. Remember, though, that you are comparing yourself to your friends. Your gamer friends. Yes, you are much smarter than the guy who pulls before you rez the tank. Yes, you are in better shape than the guy whose guild title is Lord of Cheetos. But how far does that get you compared to the general population?
Part 1 is here and has been followed by Part 2.

Once you have a girlfriend, you will have to understand the Chick Flick genre, because unfortunately you will be watching them. Try not to take it personally when your girl routes for the heroine as she symbolically emasculates the men in her life.

Via John the Methodist

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