Thursday, August 24, 2006

Fun & Politics: Oh No, Not Smoking!

British television authorities are upset with one of the Turner networks. They have received two complaints that Tom, of Tom & Jerry fame, is seen smoking in several cartoons. Yes, smoking. Yes, two complaints total. From the same individual.

Hit with hammers, set on afire with matches, smashed with anvils, burnt and flattened with irons, clotheslined by clotheslines and ironing boards, pierced and severed by various yard implements and powertools, and generally plotting bloody murder of Jerry Mouse every episode? Yeah those are ok. But we can't have him smoking cigars. That would be uncouth.

With all the tea consumption over there, it makes me doubt this study. But perhaps this British regulatory group has switched over to that other British beverage of choice, gin.

Via Lawdog and Instapundit.

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