Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Wheels: These Feet are Made for Walking

Steve is walking to the grocery store and he likes it. Amen.

I used to walk to the grocery store a lot. It was great. In college the grocery was a hike, so sometimes I would ride my bike. But that ride served much the same purpose. I did something healthy, saw the neighborhood, and I got my chores done.

In both apartments I have had since starting to work for the Army, I have had a supermarket less than a quarter mile from my house. Being a single adult male, my needs were simple. Frozen pizza, hot dogs, easy mac, and soda. (Amy can attest to this.) So I walked to the grocery store and picked up what I needed, unless what I needed was best bought in weighty bulk. Then I drove, because I'm not carrying 4 2-liter bottles and several freezer packs of soda home with me. I have trouble with the balancing act just to get them from the car in through my front door in one trip.

I haven't walked to the grocery in a while. Mostly, this is because Amy does our food shopping now that we're married. When I do get to the supermarket, it is to buy those bulk items that weigh a ton. Walking isn't practical. But I still miss it.

So I share Steve's suggestion, if at all practical, walk it once in a while. Leave the wheels at home.

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