Friday, August 11, 2006

Politics: War on Terror

Physics Geek, Jesus Freak has another excellent post up. Not only do I share his opinion of most talk radio hosts being horrible blowhards (although Sean Hannity is pretty bearable) I share this one too.
he [G. Gordon Liddy] claimed the current war is between Judeo-Christianity and Islam. I think that's a load of crap, honestly. It's a war between Islam (especially those who take it literally) and everyone else; Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, you name it. Don't kid yourself; Islamists hate the secular Europeans as much as they hate the American Christian Right. They just know they can play the Europeans for fools...
Exactly. Not all muslims are bad guys. I've known too many muslims to paint them all with the same brush. But when push comes to shove, the wacko muslims don't just hate Christians or Jews. They really hate the other. Everyone not under subjugation to the house of Islam. Everyone not under their boot and in their control.

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