Thursday, August 24, 2006

Wheels: Return of the Students

I really like living in Newark during the Summer and Winter. Mostly because the students are gone. Alas, the Freshmen move in on Saturday which means Newark will soon be populated by kids who have excellent SAT scores but can't remember to look both ways before they step out in front of my car on Main Street. I'll have to adjust my driving patterns back to taking me the long way around the school.

Many of them drive, like the idiot who pulled a U-turn in front of me this morning in his Silver Cavalier. Oops he missed his right, so he'll just make the first U-turn and then make a left. Thanks buddy, God forbid you look at traffic. Hopefully none of them will actually hit my car this year. Unlike last year. Or the year before that. Fortunately by now both my bumpers are so scuffed up I don't care anymore.

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