Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Civil Service Politics

Michelle Malkin is noting that Joe Huffman was fired from his job at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Huffman is a computer research analyst, a blogger, and one of the founders of Boomershoot.

Why was Huffman fired? Well no answers are forthcoming, but Huffman contends it is because of his pro-second amendment political views. Huffman has the connection logs from his blog to back this contention up. Huffman was careful to keep his politics and work life separate. He is suing for wrongful termination and will probably win.

I don't know who this guys bosses thought they were, but they're idiots. You can't easily terminate a member of the civil service. You especially can't easily terminate one of us for political work completely unrelated to our jobs. There are laws against that sort of thing which have been on the books for over a century. There are strong protections in place for just such an occasion.

One of my coworkers got his picture in the paper, painted with the American flag, after demonstrating with thousands of others at an anti-globalization rally in Washington, DC. My boss wasn't happy, but there wasn't anythying he could do about it either. My coworker didn't mention that he was a government employee and kept his politics and job separate.

So hopefully Joe will have his job back or a big check or both. Hopefully those responsible for his dismissal will be held responsible and legitimately sacked for the misuse of their office. Good luck to Joe in the meantime.

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