Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Michelle Malkin has an extensive roundup of Katrina coverage. Things don't look good in New Orleans after several levees broke and have flooded much of the city.

Eric Seymour is suggesting you give to Samaritans purse.

There has also been rumors of looting. The police are trying to stop it but aren't having much luck.

There are many ways to kill a man, many of them involve bodily trauma. A different route is to steal from someone on such a massive scale it destroys their livelihood and puts them on the street. Generally, this is what looters do. They destroy people's lives because they want their stuff. This is why I'm normal a shoot-the-looters kind of guy.

However in this case, I'm actually more inclined to tolerance. Much of New Orleans is under water. The roads in and out are cut. The storm has had a similar impact in other areas. If you were stupid enough to get stuck there, your possessions may be under 20 feet of water. That includes food, which certainly isn't edible now that it has been immersed in God-knows-what. Looting is still not something to be happy about, but it is pretty understandable in this case.

UPDATE: Michele has some first person coverage of New Orleans at A Small Victory.

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