Thursday, August 18, 2005

Worst _Blank_ in the World

This is a meme I see everywhere on the internet. Keanu Reeves is the world actor ever. H.P. Lovecraft is the worst writer ever. Titney Spheres is the worst singer ever. Michele Catalano is an example.

Honestly, I find it very annoying. I've seen enough American Idol to know that there are many singers out there worse than Ms. Spears-Federline. If someone has reached the awareness of the culture at large, he probably isn't the world's worst anything. They may not be very good, but they have some non-negative level of talent. I mean even William Hung was good for campy enjoyment. He wasn't so off-key that we couldn't bear to listen to him.

The world's worst singer ever is probably someone who managed to talk her Uncle Morty into letting her headline Cousin Irving's bar mitzvah. So great was the outcry against her caterwaulling that emotional scarring prevented her from performing ever again.

Surely these people may not be especially good. Perhaps they are the worst X to ever make it onto the national scene. That much can be true. But the worst ever? Hardly.

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