Monday, August 08, 2005

Planned Parenthood

I'm not a big fan and that shouldn't come as a surprise. Dawn Eden has the breakdown on one of their latest indoctrination cartoons.

More upsetting to me than the content of the cartoon (which is crap and includes blowing up christians for disagreeing with PP) is the content of that chapters annual report posted at the bottom. Planned Parenthood Golden Gate gets 53% of it's funding through the government. The majority of their finding comes out of citizen's pockets via taxation. Now this is San Fransisco so perhaps this is state and local, but I still find that number offensive. I need to look into local Delaware chapter's finances further.

UPDATE: Michael Dean has a listing of few more Planned Parenthood outrages. They're the usual really: bullying, brain washing, mild instances of mob violence, and covering up child molestations...

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