Monday, August 29, 2005

WoT is that?

Messy Christian reads the Robert Jordan Wheel of Time books. The next one will be coming out shortly. I might pick it up in paperback. I have many of the others. Somewhere I stopped caring and stopped reading. When his last book in the continuity was over eight hundred pages and took place over the course of a single day, it broke me. Ok I'm done. I don't care that I have been reading this crap since I was in high school. Robert, when you finish the series, I'll pick up the back books. Until then, if I have an urge to read one of your novels, I'll read Tolkein instead. The entire Lord of the Rings trilogy has a lower page count than Lord of Chaos. It will be easier on me.

Jordan writes in the genre of Big Fat Fantasy. These are the fantasy authors who are incapable of writing a book of less than 500 pages length. They are also incapable of writing a fantasy series of less than 4 books length. Generally they only have about 4 books of material planned out, but that doesn't stop them from writing eight or ten. Jordan obviously ran out of material to connect the dogs several books ago, but he keeps writing them. The good news is that he knows how his books are supposed to end, so maybe it will get better at some point.

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