Monday, May 29, 2006


Snuggle Bunny and Snuggle Monkey are also enjoying their wedded bliss. We expect a lot of small stuffed bunkies pretty soon. I built Snuggle Monkey for Amy when she was in grad school in North Carolina 7 hours away. He has a voice box with a message from me on it. She bought me Snuggle Bunny the following my birthday. Normally they're in jeans and t-shirts, but we bought them formal wear for the wedding.

Yes, I did make it through the ceremony although the circle dance at the reception was a challenge. They should use chairs with five point harnesses for those things. Trying to hold onto the chair and the handkerchief that connects you with your spouse is a non-trivial problem.

Right now Amy and I are at a farewell brunch her parents are hosting. Things are clearing out so we finally have a breather. We're both introverts so this stuff ain't easy for us. But hey we're only going to get married once.

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