Saturday, May 06, 2006

Seis de Mayo

Well I hope everyone isn't too hung over from drinking cheap Mexican beer last night. Ah Corona, the budweiser of Mexico...

Amy's birthday was also yesterday so I treated her by switching all my computer equipment from my place over to hers, including the cable modem. Hence the no blogging yesterday as everything was in transit. But a couple of calls to Comcast later and she's a very happy camper.

Of course this has brought about yet another strain on our engagement. We have one computer with internet access and two total computer addicts. We think this one can be solved with counseling, prayer, and a router from Best Buy.

UPDATE: I picked up a Linksys 4 port wireless router at Best Buy on Sunday afternoon. Amy had a gift card from her birthday that covered most of it. Turns out this unit was actually cheaper than the wired-only option so we got something for nothing. The wired side of the house (my computers) are covered, but Amy's laptop has a really crappy on-board wireless unit. It's giving us some trouble. Currently she's just running it plugged in anyway which is fine.

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