Thursday, May 11, 2006

Too Casual on Casual Day

I have tomorrow off. Amy and I are going to Virginia to get our marriage license and do wedding crap. I've gotten to the point where it is wedding "crap" now.

Anyway this means I'm wearing my casual day duds which consist of jeans, a collared short-sleeve shirt, and black timberlands. I didn't bother to shave today or yesterday. I also need a haircut. But that's enough about me.

So I'm in the bathroom at work. Into the urinal beside me pulls up a contractor installing furniture in the building next door. He's a blue collar guy with a pretty ruddy complexion. He starts talking to me like I am also a contractor installing furniture in my compound. "Hey buddy why do we have to pull furniture out of the truck in todays miserable weather. Should-a done it yesterday if we'd known. This job isn't in even our contract so you better believe they'll be paying extra..."

Now I don't really care about the intricacies of this guys contract dispute. More importantly, I'm in mid-stream here. Don't talk to me while I'm doing my business. Don't talk to me while you're doing your business, especially when you're leaning on top of the urinal for support. The man's is devoid of proper urinal etiquette. But what can I do? I'm just uh-huh-ing and yeah-don't-that-beat-all-ing while I look around like cornered dog. Finally I escape and realized that I really have to at least start shaving on casual days.

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