Friday, April 22, 2005

Abortion and Ultrasound

Illinois has passed a law that forbids ultrasound without a doctor's orders. Now the legislature is saying this is because ultrasound may be shown to cause harm to the fetus in the future. Sounds tenuous? Good it is.

The real reason is completely political of course. Pro-life organizations practically give ultrasounds away. They do this because once the pregnant woman actually sees that her baby, she has an awfully hard time killing it over a trivial justification. Abortionists perform ultrasounds too, but they go to great lengths to ensure that the mother doesn't see the screen. They want the mother to think that the fetus is a piece of meat, not a living, moving person.

Which brings me to my proposal for counter-legislation. I think the Republicans should tack a rider on this bill that requires mothers be shown their ultrasounds. It is an easy thing to do and then the abortionists will do the pro-lifers work for them.

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