Wednesday, October 12, 2005


My music tastes shift a lot. I generally gravitate towards music that will have a long shelf life. I don't do fad music. Except hair metal. But I was young and impressionable then. Boy bands? No. Hootie? Boring. Teeny pop? Not really, certainly not Britney. Alternative rock? How is it "alternative" when the majority of kids in my high school were listening to it? I do admittedly like swing, but swing is classic and I don't own a zoot suit or go to the dances.

I was on a secular rock kick for a while. Sorry Contemporary Christian Music lovers, but a lot of CCM sucks. I went secular to get music that doesn't. I bought some early Beatles albums. I bought some rock albums. I even bought Greenday's latest. Then I realized that it was only winning awards because it bashes Dubya and the War. Oops.

After leading a study on 1 Kings 18 (Elijah kicks Baal's ass), I remembered a Disciple song on the subject "God of Elijah". So I bought the album it was on at my local Family Corporate Store. Now I'm back on the Christian metal kick. As long as I don't buy any Petra, I might not do anything I regret later.

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