Monday, October 04, 2004


I'm starting to see why everybody moves off of Blogger eventually. Its not that the user interface sucks. Granted, it could use some improvements. For instance I just had to delete over a hundred posts by hand, and blogger forces a time consuming republish after every friggin' one. It took hours. If they had designed it properly it should have taken minutes (like purging my hotmail account does). I should be able to select the posts to kill and then do a single republish. But thats not the real problem.

The problem is that it breaks. A lot. And the channel they use to tell us that it is broken doesn't respond in a timely manner. So I don't get the message until 2 hours and 100+ accidental posts later. And that sucks, not because a service I use for free broke, but because my discomfort was completely avoidable if they had just promptly reported its brokenness. I don't pay money for this service but I do pay time. And I want those hours back dammit.

Oh did I mention that the rate Blogger sends random people to your door with the "next" button up top there seems to be dependent on how often you post? I seem to be getting a lot of folks recently because of my blogger screwups.

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