Thursday, May 12, 2005

5 Questions

Joan sent me this list of 5 questions after this post of hers. I will not be giving out a list of 5 questions like Joan though. It took me two weeks to get this posted, can you imagine how long it would take me to come up with 5 questions of my own should anyone ask? I can't do that to you folks.

1. If you were given the option of living to be one hundred years old but would never be able to have sex again from here on out, would you take it? Or would you rather live to be fifty years old and have an incredible sex life until the day you die? Why?

I'll die young and hornyhappy. I would do this not because I believe in living hard and dying young. I don't. I'm a boring engineer. I would do this because Amybear and I aren't married, aren't having sex, and want kids with each other. Maybe if I had already had kids and lots of great sex with the woman I love, the former might be an option. But as it is, it's not gonna happen.

2. If you suddenly found out that the person you love was dying, and the only way to save them was to betray every spiritual belief you have, would you save them?

No. God has to come first. That and I'm assuming I wouldn't be purchasing her immortality. She would still eventually die because we all do. So I would have traded something eternal for something important but still wholly temporal. That's a bad deal. Instead I would spend as much time with her as possible and ease her pain in the best ways I could. If I did a good job we'd still have eternity together.

3. What is the one thing you would never forgive the person you love for doing/saying? Why? (And you can't say, "nothing"...everybody has something.)

This is hard one because I really do think I could forgive anything if she was remorseful and asked me to forgive her. So I suppose that one thing would be unrepentance. If Amybear did something truly horrid to me and reveled in it, it would be over. I might still love her, but I couldn't be with someone like that.

4. If there was a soundtrack to your life, what would be the theme song?

Beats the heck out of me, I'm not a huge music guy. I tend to be alone a lot so Eleanor Rigby would probably cut it. This question is the reason I sat on this thing so long. I honestly have no idea.

5. What do you hope to accomplish with your blog? Is there a particular reason you decided to rip yourself open for the amusement of others on a daily basis?

Hmmm... a plan... that would be a good idea wouldn't it? I originally started because I was reading blogs a lot and commenting on them a fair bit, but I seemed to be spreading myself thin over enough blogs that I could never find what I wrote again. I also noticed that many of the blogs I wanted to comment on didn't allow comments but did allow trackbacks. So I started my own. Now if I'm writing a copious post on someone elses blog I give it a thought and then usually end up putting it here and tracking back.

The topics on the blog here basically reflect my interests. Guns, God, Gear, Government, and the occassional bit about my personal life. Not necessarily in that order of course. I'd like to post in more depth, but unfortunately I never seem to have the time.

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